
What is the 2nd Chakra

What is the 2nd Chakra

The word chakra has been derived from a Sanskrit word which means the wheel. This wheel refers to that of energy. It has its roots in the Indian Tantra Yoga that includes astronomy, astrology, Kundalini and Hatha yoga, besides chakras. As per the chakra system, channels of energies run through our body. These energies are concentrate in seven centers or the seven major chakras. The 2nd chakra governs our emotions and passions and is related to our sexual health.
The origin of the energy centers or chakras can be traced to the "Upanishads" which are important ancient Hindu scriptures. According to the chakra system, our life force or the vital energy (Prana) has thousands of energy channels called nadis. A number of nadis intersect at different locations in the body, each location known as a chakra. There are seven major chakras in all, starting from the crown and ending at the base of the spine. The importance of the chakras lies in the fact that they are the centers of our spiritual energy which when balanced ensures physical as well as mental well-being. One of the ways of bringing about this balance is through meditation. Each chakra has its own character and one color of the spectrum associated with it. Each chakra affects certain organs of the body and governs specific aspects of our being. Hence, if the energy flowing through any of the chakras is blocked, then it will affect us mentally, psychologically as well as physically. The whole chakra system works as a single system. Problem in any one of the centers will affect the ability of the other chakras in processing energy.
In Sanskrit, the 2nd chakra is known as the Svadhisthana or the 'dwelling place of the self'. It is also known as the sacral chakra and is located a few inches below the navel. Primarily it relates to the needs of the self like that of hunger and carnal pleasure. The Svadhisthana is said to be the place of our unconscious desires, specially those related to sex. Hence, it is believed that it is very difficult to raise the energy of consciousness above this chakra. This chakra stands for creativity and knowledge. It enables us to connect to the inner source of inspiration and helps realize and give form to our sense of aestheticism. It is also the seat of attention. With the energies flowing freely through this chakra, we are able to realize and absorb the beauty and subtle but profound aspects of the universe. Hence the 2nd chakra governs our passions and emotions. Positive aspects of the Svadhisthana of a person are creativity, vitality, enthusiasm and a joyous, independent and friendly disposition. In case, the channels of energy flowing through this chakra is blocked, it will manifest as fear of pleasure, inability to connect to one's feelings or to that of others and resistance to change, in a person. Other emotional imbalances due to effect of the 2nd chakra are an overly emotional person, constant need of pleasure to be stimulated, prone to addictions, being withdrawn, destructive, despondent and overdependent.
At physical levels the Svadhisthana is associated with one's reproductive organs, the kidneys, hip, sacrum, lower back and fluids of the body like water, blood, tears and so on. Hence a blocked Svadhisthana can cause urinary tract problems, problems related to genitals that affects procreation, lower back problems, Candida and yeast infection, formation of cysts and fibroids in the ovary and uterus, menstrual problems, diseases of the testes and prostate, asthma, allergies, eating disorders and alcohol and drug abuse.
The Svadhisthana is also alluded to by the western occultists with the Sephirah Yesod which is also associated with the sexual organs.

